The Blowfly Alert forecasts the level of strike risk for different regions of the UK. It will be updated monthly through July to October. The forecasts are supported by on farm reporting of cases – to report a case in your flock please click the link below.
View Alert Report An OutbreakPoor fertility costs money. Effective fertility management is key to profitable dairy farming.
Ingestion of young bracken fronds can result in anorexia, bleeding from nasal passage and vagina, wasting and death.
‘Wire disease’ is a sporadic problem in cows following ingestion of sharp objects.
An easy-calving bull has major health and welfare benefits on beef and dairy farms.
In the UK, the virus rapidly spreads within a group of orphan lambs sharing the same feeding equipment
Sheep with footrot are very lame, lie down for long periods and may not bear weight on the affected leg.
Respiratory disease is a major cause of loss to the UK sheep industry. It can affect all ages and cause rapid death in an affected flock.
Coccidiosis causes rapid weight loss and diarrhoea containing mucus and flecks of blood. Affected lambs may have poor ongoing growth rates.
Read more about disease incidence in gamebirds, 11 to 42 days old
Mixed respiratory disease is reported as one of the most common clinical conditions affecting growing pigs in the UK.
Acute septicaemia ("blood poisoning") associated with infection with Haemophilus parasuis causing Glässers Disease.
This webinar covers the vital considerations of feeding ewes during late pregnancy and beyond.
This webinar discusses the important principles for successful lambing's and low lamb mortality.
There are three main types of mite affecting cattle in the UK causing slightly different disease presentations. This risk assessment is a guide to reducing the entry and spread of mites in your herd.
Louse populations are highest during late winter and may cause disrupted feeding patterns, fleece damage/loss, and self-inflicted trauma.
Respiratory disease is estimated to cost the UK cattle industry £80 million annually (between £30 for mild cases to £500 when the animal dies)
We are now in the seasonally vector low period (SVLP). Risk of new infection and onward transmission due to vector activity is now very low.
AHDB are holding a series of webinars to provide live updates and presentations from industry experts on bluetongue and the BTV-3 strain that has been confirmed in cases in the UK.
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N5 has been confirmed in commercial poultry at a premises near Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire, Yorkshire. All poultry on the infected premises will be humanely culled.
During 2024 APHA will again offer free-of-charge testing of samples from lambs, kids, and calves born with arthrogryposis
NADIS are delighted to announce the launch of our brand-new teaching resource The Cattle and Sheep Clinical Library for Vets.
Ceva Animal Health has announced that the EAE (enzootic abortion of ewes) vaccine, Cevac Chlamydia, will not be available as anticipated in September for the main 2024 vaccination season.