APHA: Bluetongue virus BTV3 has been confirmed in a single sheep at a premises near Haddiscoe, South Norfolk. A 20km Temporary Control Zone has been put in place.

Keepers of cattle, sheep, camelids and other ruminants must remain vigilant and follow the restrictions on animal and germinal product movements that now apply in the zone.

Surveillance is underway to determine if the virus is currently circulating in GB.

Please check the Bluetongue interactive map: https://defra.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=514ec88edec74575958d860f0196d2ea

And the latest guidance on GOV.UK to see what steps you can take to prevent and control the disease: https://www.gov.uk/bluetongue


There is a serous to mucopurulent nasal discharge